- Web Host - This is where you put your website files. If you have a static ip address, then you can host your own files. If not, then you can search pick a hosting provider from the web. You can choose between a linux or a windows server, depending on what your site will require. Many reputable hosts starts at only 5$ per month. You may see cheaper ones, but you get what you pay for. No business is designed to lose. Once your site pages are uploaded, they can already be seen online. But the web address wouldn't be too easy to remember as they rawly appear as 4 strings of octets (example:
- Domain Name - the complexity of remembering ip addresses brings the need to get a domain name. We can think of them like text-based web addresses in replacement for the ip address. (example: www.tenameofyourcompany.com)
- Web Design - your site presentation. How will your site look like? What will people see on the homepage? On the about page? On the contact page? On the product or services page? Or on any other pages? Will there be images? Videos? Flash media?
- Web Development - how are you going to realize the desired design. Will you use a content management system? What CMS then? Or will you use hard-codes? Pure xhtml/css/javascript anyone? Do you want your site powered by flashscripts? Or do you require advance programming with php and database tweaks?
- Search Engine Optimization - this is the lifeblood of your website - traffic. What is a website with no visitors? Search engines should find your site well so you can appear during search queries.
If you think this is like midnight if you are to do it yourself, or you're just short of cash to hire someone to do it, there are many free blogging and hosting sites that can serve as your playground. Just ask my uncle.
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